Boys not my age with pretty smiles, nice physiques but way below my age. Adrienne has to keep slapping her own hand when ever she sees the nice nineteen/twenty year old life guard at her work. Bad Adrienne, bad Adrienne. Its so much easier to approach boys who are much younger than me, ahhhh I do not want to become a cougar and honestly I don't want a boy.
"The Dark Knight" blew my mind, I don't have one negative thing to say about it. Thank goodness Marvel didn't have its fingers dug too deeply into this one. Heath Ledger has left a legacy in this last movie.
Song of the summer of 2008, "American Boy" by Estelle feat. Kanye.
Finally an R&B vocalist I feel deserves my cash, she may have Kanye on her album but she is definetly full of drive and talent.